

取引先の会社の方から 励ましのEメールをいただきました。
いまこそ イエスさま 
サタンの攻撃から あなたが 救ってくださる 神の時です。

皆さま 祈りましょう。 日本は もう人の力では 出ることはできないふちにいます。
どうぞメールで リクエストをください。


GOD BLESS you my brother

I am praying now and calling everyone I know for prayer for you.

Reiko, please let me know if I can do anything besides pray.

Lord Jesus, please protect my brother and the people of Japan. Lord, your NAME is ABOVE all NAMES, even the name “earthquake”. For you FATHER sit on a throne that is indispensible; there is nothing or no-one greater than you LORD. You created the earth and everything in it; FATHER move swiftly in the midst of the country JAPAN. May your peace, your grace, your love, and all that is within you LORD abound and conquer all fear. Your children know that these are the signs of your coming Lord, but we are promised your protection. We are promised blessings in the midst of trouble.

I pray for my brother, Reiko. Lord use him in a mighty way. Give him understanding, give him hope, give him power in your NAME LORD. Give him the words to speak to the lost and discouraged. Give him words to speak for comfort to those need answers. Lord, like the days of Elijah, give Reiko the power in the tongue to come against the false gods and false spirits over Japan.

Give him power LORD to overcome. Like the days of Elijah, give Rieko the words to call forth.



Your sister in Christ


nice! 0
